Scenic Road Wheelbarrow Assembly

How to Assemble Your Scenic Road Wheelbarrow

Our wheelbarrow will be the last you’ll ever buy and one you’ll pass on — generation after generation. But before you can tackle your next project with your wheelbarrow, you need to assemble it. We’ll walk you through the assembly process in a simple-to-follow video.

The following video details how to assemble a standard 8-cube Scenic Road wheelbarrow with one tire.


Assembling a 2-Wheel Wheelbarrow?

The axle bracket has a wide side (edge of holes to edge of plate is widest) and a narrow side. The wide side should be against the wheel. Once you have that in position, follow these steps:

  • Slide the axle through the axle bracket and attach the wheels.
  • Insert cotter pin and bend.
  • Adjust the position of the axle bracket so the wheels are centered, and the bracket just touches the wheel bearing housing.
  • Make certain that the tray support strap is in place where the vertical braces attach to the tray.

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